The American Legion Post 39 Family of Organizations
Welcomes You To Our Restaurant and Bar
"Open to the public"



Sons of the American Legion Post 39

Established: September 28, 1985

Sons and grandsons of veterans, many of them veterans themselves, not only support the Post's activities; but also Legion baseball and the North St. Paul Food Shelf, among other causes.



Meeting dates are the third (3) Monday of the following months: January, March, May, July, September, and November at 6:30 pm.

The 2023/2024 Meetings Schedule and SAL Officers.



All male descendants, adopted sons and stepsons of members of the American Legion; and such male descendants of veterans who died in service during World War I, or since December 7, 1941, to date, as set forth in Article IV, Section, of the National Constitution of the American Legion; or who died subsequent to their honorable discharge from the service, shall be eligible for membership in the Sons of the American Legion.